Saturday, May 1, 2010

Buying Summary - Week ending 5/1/2010

I think I'll start out my new blog with a sewing week summary.  I think I will have a buying summary on Saturday.  Sunday will be the sewing summary (because I do most of my sewing on Saturday) and on Monday I will post a summary of anything new and noteworthy I have seen around, patterns, fabric, blogs, etc.  Of course I will do other posts in between, but I like setting up a schedule that I will never follow :)

So here's my first-ever Buying-Summary, please don't let my husband read this :):

First off my husband did some buying on ebay earlier this week and this reminded me I haven't looked on ebay in quite awhile.  So on Monday off I went and I found some interesting things.  I ordered 3 half-yards of fabric and two patterns from sewnice1957.  I think I finished up my auctions on Tuesday and paid on Tuesday or Wednesday and what was waiting for me in my mail on Friday - but my order and the fabrics are lovely and the patterns are great too (like I need more patterns).  Check out what I bid on below and I will definitely be going back to sewnice1957's shop in the future!

Wednesday also found me on the McCall's/Butterick/Vogue website taking advantage of the big sale.  I am a club BMV member so that meant additional savings.  I ordered 8 patterns (again, like I need more), but they shipped on Friday. I expect them Monday so I'll post next week what I received.

Friday found me at Walmart, I wanted some fabric for a messenger bag I wanted to make this weekend and I needed some fusible fleece to finish a project.  So I came out of there with several pieces of fabric, some medium-weight interfacing, some DecorBond interfacing, a piece of canvas and some velcro.  Lots of projects planned for the future.  My WalMart ladies are so nice that I love shopping in the fabric department and dread the day we lose ours (though I hear it's inevitable).  The Pink and black design I'm making the messenger bag with.  The pink polka dot is actually on a bright green and it's for baby items.  The bottom piece is the canvas fabric for use in bags.

 So that's my week, now it's time to sew.

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