As I was perusing Amazon recently and reading blogs I have come up with a few books that have made it on my wishlist. I have some Mother's Day money and I may be buying some of these with it because goodness knows after filling my new shelving unit - I really don't
need any fabric at the moment. The family is going on a trip this weekend, however, and I did find out there is a Hancocks about 1 mile from the hotel - can you say quick run over there while the kids and daddy are resting one evening? I'm also going to check out the internet and see what fabric stores are in the area, but shopping will be minimal because we plan to do a lot of sightseeing and just having family fun.
So back to the wishlist. First up is the one book I have wanted forever and will be the first one I purchase:
Vogue Sewing Revised and Updated
A trusted classic since 1975, Vogue® Sewing has remained a consistent bestseller and sewer’s favorite. Now it’s been fully revised and updated, with the latest information and all-new photographs and illustrations, introduction, and page layout. From choosing a machine to mastering couture techniques, it covers everything stitchers need to know to make professional and fashionable garments. It’s certain to remain the premier sourcebook for sewers everywhere.
This technique-rich Vogue’® manual contains comprehensive instructions for understanding pattern markings, selecting fabrics and notions, hand-stitching and mending, pressing, and measuring to fit. Everything’s beautifully laid out, with charts and detailed explanations. And as it teaches, it also steers you to the right project for your sewing level, with a plethora of photos that showcase different options for both beginners and those more expert with a needle.
PatternReview.com 1,000 Clever Sewing Shortcuts and Tips
Saw this on Patternreview.com this morning and I want it - trying to decide whether to preorder it or now.
This book contains the best hands-on insider sewing tips from the popular sewing website PatternReview.com, a community of more than 170,000 members. The entries are collected from the website’s enormous database of members’ shared comments and advice, rated by hits and reviews. Also included are five special how-to features by PatternReview.com's master teachers and pattern designers, who regularly conduct online chats and workshops (including Kenneth King, Susan Khalje, Sarah Veblen, Shannon Gifford, and Anna Mazur).
How to Use, Adapt, and Design Sewing Patterns by Lee Hollahan
This one looks good to me - has anyone read it or heard more about it - it has one 5-star review on Amazon.com.
Making clothes is fun, fashionable, and thrifty but how can you find a pattern that fits you just right? And how can you adjust it if it doesn't?
This book shows you how to get the most from sewing patterns—from choosing the right size to understanding all the different markings and translating flat shapes into wearable garments. You will learn how to change the shaping, length, and detailing to suit your own body shape, taste, and style.
Once you understand how to adapt a store-bought pattern you are well on your way to designing your own clothes. You'll understand how to make a new pattern out of a ready-made store-bought one, or draft your own from scratch.
Fit for Real People: Sew Great Clothes Using Any Pattern by Pati Palmer, Marta Alto
Presented in a new edition that adds updated pattern industry news and revised rules for selecting pattern size, this easy and practical fitting system requires no measuring, no drafting skills, no muslin mock-ups—and it works with all brands of tissue paper patterns. Real people of all ages are featured in photographs that explain the steps of cutting out pattern pieces, pinning them together, and adjusting the fit. Special attention is paid to tricky challenges such as accommodating a full bustline, adjusting sleeves, or reworking a garment to make it more flattering, as well as alternative fitting methods such as draping and computer design. Metric conversion charts, charts for comparing pattern company bodice measurements, and a history of American dress design (Just where did size 10 come from?) make this book a versatile reference.
One-Yard Wonders: 101 Sewing Fabric Projects by Rebecca yaker, Patricia Hoskins
One-Yard Wonders will delight anyone who has ever fallen for fabric - from the novice sewing enthusiast to the lifelong seamstress. The book presents a delightful array of simple, stylish projects that can be made with just a single yard of fabric - from apparel to accessories, from plush toys to pet beds, from baby items to bags, and from home decor to "Happy Birthday" banners. Projects have a hip,contemporary flair, and most can be completed in a few hours. For each project, the book provides a full-color photograph, easy step-by-step instructions, and simple illustrations. Templates and pattern pieces are also included wherever needed, making this collection of 101 projects the best sewing deal ever.
Great fabric demands to be purchased, even if it's just a yard or two at a time. But such tantalizing textiles should never hide in a closet; One-Yard Wonders promises gift-worthy solutions for that stash of irresistible fabric-store buys. At last, it's time to stop storing and start sewing!
Okay - that's just a few, but those are the ones that headline my wishlist at the moment. What's on your wishlist and what's your favorite sewing book of the moment. I would love to know so I can add to my wishlist. I'll spotlight some of the books I have in the next few weeks.